This tale begins with the purchase of a waterproof camera from Target.
The choice was between a Kodak camera and a Target brand camera. The Target camera came with a coupon for photo processing. So I chose that one.
Upon arriving home and opening the package I find that the coupon has expired. Three months ago. No biggie, I decided to keep the receipt from purchase to prove the date I bought it and that it came with an expired coupon.
We went, I took pictures. I dropped the camera off when we got home, debating hour processing vs next day. I went with next day because I wanted to go home and watch the games I had missed over the weekend.
So next day we go to pick them up. I had my receipt, my coupon and no one was in the photo lab. So I dragged someone over from customer service. She searched and searched and couldn't find them. THEN she saw them in a pile of cameras and film. She explained that whoever worked yesterday must not have developed anything. She would start on them right away. So I thanked her and left (I had come from the gym and didn't want to wait an hour.)
I worked three days in a row and didn't go back to Target, giving them plenty of time.
We go in and they can't find them. Searches, searches, searches. Finds them laying off to the side. She explains that the camera still had film on it so they didn't develop it. I told her that the camera started at zero and counted to 27. So I had taken all the photos. I also showed her were it said pictures taken after 27 may not develop properly. I was aggravated because I had left my number. You would think they would have called to tell me they were not going to develop my photos? She said she'd get right on it. (Every time, it's been a different girl.) We come back after doing a bit of shopping and she's standing by the photo machine. She says some of the photos were exposed and so the coloring might be off, but they should be ready soon. We had to leave because my parents were on their way in. I had a bit of relief because she seemed to be by the machine waiting on them.
I come back two days later (yet again, giving them plenty of time. Besides who really wants to go to Target every day?) Still, not developed. This girls explains that they weren't developed because there were still photos left. I leave a note saying to develop them REGARDLESS. The camera goes to 30 but photos after 27 will not develop properly. (By this time it's out of the camera so I can't TAKE more pictures anyway. I don't know why she kept trying to hand me the undeveloped roll.) I guess the girl two days ago HAD NOT put them in the machine.
Today I call to see if they're ready. There's no one working the photo lab so the customer service representave looks with no success and says to call back in 15 minutes. About 8 minutes later I get a call. A cheery voice tells me that they exposed all of my film so none of my pictures turned out. They're all black.
Wonderful. Thanks.
Jeez. It sounds like aliens secretly infiltrated the photo department, and don't know how to work human technology.