My list has been piling for a long time. I think I'll blame it on the fact that by the time I got out of orientation all last week the offices I needed to visit were closed.
Do you have any idea how much paperwork is required to be a person?
It's crazy. I don't even know what over half of this stuff is, but without it I would not be a person.
So, even though Mo and Ar are compact states (nursing stuff) I can only utilize that "freebie" for 30 days because I've changed my address to Ar.
So I sent off for the forms about 2 weeks ago. (Actually, I sent an email asking what I should do and never heard back until this 6 page document showed up the in mail. Maybe a email response would have been nice too?)
First, I had to get fingerprinted. Luckily, the police department will do this for free, as long as it's before 1630. Then I had to have proof of my new residence. Like a drivers license. So I had to get that. Which means I had to find my passport. Then they didn't want that, they wanted a birth certificate, which had my maiden name, so I had to go back to get my marriage license.
Next I have to get this notarized.
Plus, do I need a new bank now that I've moved? I have to set up direct deposit before the 25th or I won't get paid for another 4 days (check in the mail, take it to a bank, oh wait! Problem loops!) In addition, health insurance through work? Vision and/or dental? PLUS, new CAR insurance for the different state. Condo insurance? Now that we own this place and some pretty sweet items I don't want stuff to happen to it. Oh yea, John has to have a physical exam done so he can prove he's healthy enough for Med School.
Well, it's mostly done now. I feel drained. Relieved. But, I've been asking around and searching online for all the stuff one has to do when you move, get a new job, etc. None of this (or the required documents) were mentioned. So, I kinda had this false sense of completion a few days ago, and now there seems to be an ongoing list of stuff to get done.
Like I said, it's pretty difficult to be a person. I have an entire folder dedicated to documents I have about myself proving I am me. Why? This is ridiculous.
In other news.
Here's a glimpse of why I love nature so much.
This is how scientists see the world.
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