Here it is!!
Brought to you from The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Clean hands=cold heart.
Turns out the cleaner you are the more likely you are to pass harsher judgment.
Augh. If I get blocked once more because I don't have the $35 to buy journal access...
I would love to look at the details of this study as to ascertain how they calculated their data... Here's what I do know. 58 undergrads (half were asked to wash their hands) ranked societal issues such as littering and pornography. Those with clean hands had harsher judgments. This was followed up by two similar studies with larger sample sizes. Both were primed with texts like. 'My hair feels clean and light. My breath is fresh ...' or My hair feels oily and heavy. My breath stinks ...' then in one study they ranked 16 societal issues while in the second study they ranked themselves against their peers.
The "clean ones" passed harsher judgment.
So maybe it's all this foaming hand-sanitizer that makes me think the girl in 305 is drug seeking.
Then again. Maybe not.
lol...thanks for sharing...