Sunday, August 29, 2010

To the ScienceMobile!

Ha ha ha,
Just watched a new Futurama.where evolution is debated. Too bad this clip doesn't have the best part.
Farnsworth is debating Dr. Banjo (an orangutan) about the truth of evolution. They go through the "missing link" debate with quite a bit of humor.
"Yes, but what about the link between A and C?"
"That would be B."
"Ha! Then you've proven my point there's no link between A and B!"

This goes on at quite a bit of length. Reminds me of an interview Dawkins' had once...

Anyway. I'm getting dangerously close to getting in trouble at this point.

Reason being I found this journal in my reader this morning.
The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
I didn't even know this existed. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Actually, I'm kinda glad. I think everything deserves to be observed through a critical method of observation and validation. *Ahem*
This comes about from this 60 second psych per SciAm.
Turns out GenX is more loyal to religious ideologies than the baby boomers.
I wish I could get access to this journal. I'd love to read some of these.
I'm sure JT would might like a subscription for his birthday. ;)
Here's another I have direct interest in.
Alternative schooling strategies and the religious lives of American adolescents.

I guess being homeschooled really has no greater impact on your church attendance vs. public schooling.

I guess that's all the news for now, my computer is shutting down against my will and I'm hungry for breakfast.
Chew on this for a while and I'll be back, sometime....

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