Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bit o' blog...

For todays bit of blog...
More time spent at work.
I almost didn't go running today. Would have been my first slip on my new marathon scheduel. I woke up late, was already in the shower, telling myself I wasn't going to run this morning. Maybe I'd do it later, after work or something. Then I stopped myself. No. I knew I was lying. I wasn't going to run after work. It just didn't make sense. I would want to eat, and sleep. John would have to get up early for school and I wouldn't want to spend the 30 minutes I'd have with him on a treadmill at the gym. So I got myself out of the shower, dressed and went running. I had plenty of time and I knew it. I'm just used to having more time after my runs. Instead I only had 30 minutes or so. I was just being selfish wanting to sit around the house. I knew I would have regretted it had I acted the way I wanted to.
I wanted to act like lil cat. Lazy, lazy cat.
I listened to Point of Inquiry's podcast. It was a debate on how accomidating one should be on another person's views. Now I see myself as a very nice and accepting person, but as JT told me once. You don't let someone walk around believing 2+2=5. That's just mean.
Remember the old game, Lemmings? Where the little green haired guys would try to walk off of things to their death you had to stop them? (I LOVED that game, terrible at it, but good music)
Well, turns out it's all based on a LIE.
Lemmings don't commit suicide. (
The lemming myth is based on a Disney film White Wilderness (  where footage was faked to show lemmings killing themselves by wandering off cliffs. (The movie was also filmed in Alberta, Canada not a native habitat to lemmings) Now lemmings don't kill themselves, but they do go through population crashes about every 4 generations and people have been unable to figure out why or how.  Maybe they starve to death, maybe they're found by preditors, or maybe... they commit infantcide.
There's really not a lot of research on how the lemmings crash every 4 years or so. This is probably due to the fact that they burrow down deep to prevent having to hibernate in the winter.  (
Huh. So, yet again a myth of my childhood exposed. (See Lou Gerhig's disease post)
Today at work, two of the PA's and I laughed quite hard at this recent discovery of adrenal fatigue. (
This could be the replacement for the fibromyalgia catch-all! So, why this isn't really a diagnosis. There are several treatment options available as well as reading material.
Man, I've almost decided I need to take myself off of Science Based Medicine's RSS ( I get too angry sometimes. Yet, again. It can be really funny to read these updates in the quackery.

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