Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I sent this to my family as well...

I'm reading The China Study and it prompted me to type this hurried email to my family. I think I should share it with my friends as well.
I really really really would like to hear anyone's feedback on this. I really think this is important.

I normally don't do this. In fact I don't think I've ever done this. Type up and send a massive family wide email to those whose email I currently have in my gmail. (If it is incorrect, please forward to the appropriate member and let me know.) But I think this is important and you all should know.

You're all aware John and I have been mostly vegetarians for the past two years. I was never strict about it or brought it up much because, there's no need to be rude or pushy. My reasons for becoming a vegetarian have never been the "animal rights" route, although I do believe that is very important. Animals are amazing creatures that need to be treated with respect. However, I was more concerned about the health aspects of altering my diet. I know diet can be a very touchy subject for anybody what with the implications society has put on it about being "lazy" if you're overweight. Recently, I have learned a few things (or at least I'm able to articulate better) that I feel if I didn't share with you I would be a cruel mean person.

I'm almost positive this is all information you know, but I want you to think about it as if I am telling it to you based on my education and research. Not a commercial or a diet book. All of this information I am pulling from The China Study conducted by T. Colin Campbell. this study is known as one of the most comprehensive studies ever done on nutrition and diet. It's results were simplified and published in a book by the same title. I highly suggest you head to the library website and place a hold on this book.

In this country we are suffering mostly from diseases of affluence, diabetes, heart attacks, cancers. We spend way more than any other country on medicine and we are dying of these disease more than any other country. The first greatest "killer" is a heart attack. The second greatest "killer" is medical errors. I'm writing this to all of you to try to keep you out of the hospital!

I adopted a vegetarian diet to become more healthy. There's a lot of misleading and completely wrong information out there about obesity, weight loss, exercise, diets, etc. I want you all to know this. A plant-based diet low in animal proteins is healthy and will keep you well. It reduces the risks of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, obesity, cancer greater than any medication that can be prescribed. I do NOT like medications. I see what it does to people and how many pills it can take to "improve" someones quality of life. As a person who constantly sees the effects of "health care" I am advocating health prevention to my family, because I love you.
There are plenty of proteins found in plant products. I have never purchases those weirdly packaged specialty vegetarian items because it is unnecessary. It is less expensive and much better for you to not eat meat.

I say this with hope because you all know me. I am not skeletal thin, I am not lethargic or suffering from any vitamin deficiency. I don't take any medications or vitamins or supplements. I have no health conditions and don't plan on having any. I have been a vegetarian comfortably for two years. I know you all can and will benefit from changing your diet. What we are eating is not natural. It's easy and convenient, but that does not make it correct. It's average and normal. Not natural or healthy. It's not what you need to be eating. Everyone is ok with taking pills to correct daily imbalances that accrue overtime because of what you eat daily. Just fix what you eat and you don't need these medications!

Please, let me appeal to your logic. Try to reduce your meat intake for the next 3 months. Even just try following the American Heart Associations diet (which, based on research is inadequate and poor for actually reducing heart disease.) A "typical" meat portion should be the size of a deck of cards. If you can't get rid of meat completely try this for three months. If you're really wanting to make your life better, please please eat more vegetables. I can give lots of delicious recipes and advice for doing this. I am really concerned for you all, but can't do a thing about it.

I know most of you will read this email and delete it. Who wouldn't? I kind of typed it in a panicked state. But I really want you all to try this. You don't have to eat only salads or reduce the amount of food you eat, but eat lots of vegetables and whole grains. Really do it. Write to me about it. I would be more than willing to share advice or anything about transitioning into vegetarian. There's a lot of research out there about how much better vegetables are for you. What's it going to hurt?

Thanks for reading this.


  1. Hey, I eat almost exclusively vegetarian and lift (HEAVY) 5 days a week. I feel great and think everyone should give it a shot. Good post, Sam :)


  2. Sam, I agree with you! A no processed, plant based diet in my opinion...IS the healthiest and most logical diet choice. My father sent me a copy of The China Study awhile ago when he found out about it when he found Dr. Gearson's Therapy (a much better option for people with cancer compared to chemo-therapy).

    Anyway, I'm glad that you shared this because alot of people need this kind of information. It can change alot of peoples lives if they knew the truth about real health and actually applied it.

    -- Johnathan Lorette
