Thanks for all the responses. I really was starting to think that I was just posting into the void. Hard to tell who, if anyone reads this. Now I know!
Thanks a lot!
Now I have the motivation to actually put forth effort (when time allows.)
Here's the news bits as far as my mind complicates it.
I picked up the book "Blind Faith." by Richard P. Sloan. It's a look at the current (2006 publication) blending of religion and medicine.
Hmmm, I'm sure you're all aware I'm currently working for the Catholic's at St. Vincents. One of my greatest aggravations is when I have to either wait or yell over the twice daily recited prayer or when people credit miracles for the hard work and training that the health care team puts forth. Anecdotal evidence of the effects of prayer on medical conditions is way overthrown by the research that debunks it.
It also deals with the emerging "science" neurotheology. I'm wondering how this will work itself out as "god of the gaps" has the tendency to get smaller and smaller as scientific research expands.
This pseudo-ties-in to this article.
The President announced the "early career" recognition award for some 85 scientists. Waahoo.
How does this tie-in? The beginning of this book deals with an issue very near and dear to my heart.
Science education.
Essentially, how the science education in our country sucks. Science education took a magnificent upswing after Sputnik was launched. This incident of fear was compared to the 9/11 attacks.
Sputnik was launched and all of a sudden America wasn't the best at everything. We were still earthbound. So money was put into science education and, bam, we got much better.
Funny how after 9/11 we got worse at science education back to the point that we're again arguing whether or not to teach ID. I sigh.
My speculation. Sputnik was more of an attack on our ideology of being smart. We were proven wrong because the Soviet Union beat us to space. 9/11 was an attack on our religion. So instead of turning to science we turned to prayer (National day of Prayer, what would our founding fathers say? Seriously?)
Maybe if we had more lighthouses...
Questions, comments, outbursts?
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