Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Two things I learned from Zumba.
Know where YOUR water bottle is and wear socks.

I accompanied a co-worker to a free, work-sponsored zumba class. If I wasn't the only white-girl there at least I was the only one under the age of 40. It's interesting to be talking to someone about their grandchildren then have them explain to you how to "pop and lock-it."

Zumba is a combination of all those ridiculous moves you combined when you were 13 and rocking out in your bedroom to your cassette tapes. I ended up failing my arms and legs around for an hour while burning approximately 10 calories a minute.

Techincally, it's salsa, samba, bollywood, and belly-dance. However, to me it's more like the hokey-pokey with squat-lunges, and "little kicks."

Really wished I grabbed a pair of socks though..

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