Monday, August 1, 2011


Let me introduce you to someone.

His name is Morning Cat.
He's snuggly, sleepy, purrs and is quite a bit insistent.
Morning Cat gets up between 530-630 and requires attention. Doesn't matter from who or what kind. Positive or negative. Morning Cat enjoys snuggling just as much as being hurled at the wall because godsdamnit this is the first day ive gotten to sleep in in months!
Places MorningCat likes to be. My head, my back, under my arm, walking on my stomach. It's ok if you want to keep sleeping, Morning Cat will rub his head against your hand or face receiving all the pets he wants regardless of your state of consciousness. He will also step on you and kneed your face with a bit of clawing and a few "sweet" mews.

However Morning Cat morphs into Bastard Cat by 7am...
He then remains in this form until 530am the next morning.


  1. Does Morning Cat have +5 Sneak or +5 Annoy still when he turns into Bastard Cat?

  2. Sneak decreases, but he does gain combat advantage until the end of the encounter.

  3. Haha, indeed. Probably gains combat advantage in all caterly skillz.
