Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ode to a Kindle

I should really, no really be doing something else right now.
I mean honestly, when you have to purchase receipt paper rolls to create your weekend to-do lists, you really shouldn't be dinking around the internet. I blame this on my parents.
Weekends were more like Workends at my house, but we all loved it. There's no way to excape it either. It was always a "Hurry up! We need to relax!"

Anyway. I've kind of broken that mold a bit. Here I sit, Saturday morning. After sleeping in until 7am. I snuggled with a cat. Made a cup of coffee, wrote in my journal, then... picked up my Kindle.

A pageless turn, a weightless thing
How could I so swiftly discard my others?
Speakers yes, but no backlit screen
It lays on a table, not bookcase with brothers.
It feels so light, yet heavy with knowledge
So simple to transport, and hard to escape
I acquire new adventures must faster at current
Visit endless worlds, with hardly the baggage
If my arms grow weary, I switch it to landscape
Buy, trade, and share? Books even for rent.

I like it. Its easy to carry and find new books without having to GO anywhere. I'll probably read tons more now that I have one. No longer confined to what the library has, or what is a decent price at the bookstore.
I don't really like acquiring things. You always have to store things, and keep up with them, etc. I never seem to want to read the books I have on my shelf, because they're always there. There's no sense of urgency. I rarely read library books I get because I don't want them to get damaged when I carry them around.

I do see the negatives of a Kindle though.
The snoop factor is gone.
When people come to my house, they can't really snoop through my books. Potential conversations are lost. Also, when reading in public no one can see what you're reading. Good and a bad thing. But then again, potential conversations are lost. No one is going to be like, hey that person is reading a book I've read. Maybe we're similar enough to have a pleasant moment. Nope. Moment gone.

Also. I'm spending a lot more money on books now. The nice thing is, Kindle books are much cheaper...

1 comment:

  1. Yea i have a nook. I still ask people what they are reading. Instead of just glancing and saying oh...i actually have to ask. So to me its a conversation starter. Plus I ask if they like their ereader. Just for comparison sake. Just to see if I want to ever upgrade to another product. I love my nook and the 62 books I have acquired. I can even read more than one book at a time depending on my mood. My gripe? I love the smell of a new book...i still visit the book store to get that fix and figure out what book to buy next for my nook.
