Thursday, December 16, 2010

Well this is strangely meta.

The Journal of Medical Ethics has recently released a study on facebook and doctors.

The abstract is pretty short but I'll shorten it even more. Most doctors are themselves. (Use their name/ personal photo) and most automatically decline "friend requests" from patients.

I think this is an interesting reflection on the doctor-patient relationship. The patient feels strong enough toward the doctor to "want to know more" about them and the doctor is aware of the "professional" image that needs to be maintained. Also, while you might want to be "best buddies" with the person that makes your life/death decisions. They might not want to think of you in that way.

And another thing. Would patients start to disrespect their physicians if they knew more about them?

I wanted to find a video of a scene from house but no goes.
In this episode of House MD I'm linking you too, a patient essentially blackmails Foreman into doing what he wants because he's found a picture of Foreman and Thirteen online.

Doesn't that just suck?

I actually have great difficulty in "friending" co-workers. I do it occasionally because it might be a way to get a quick contact if I need to swap days or have a work related question. However, I feel like I'm taking a huge risk. Having felt repercussions previously from co-workers learning more about me I put a lot of thought into accepting friend requests or not.
It's a shame and very telling that I cannot be completely honest.
I'm a very open person. I'm pretty honest on here, but even I'll tell you there's plenty I'm not saying.
I wish we could live in an honest world, but we can't.
People are mean, vindictive and judgmental.

I want to be honest with people, but the few times I have been it's always come back to bite me.

People are only "ok" with who you are as long as you're who they want you to be.

Thanks world.

(Wow, what a totally aside rant.)


  1. In total agreement! I've spent a lot of time in the past trying to edit my thoughts and the way I express my heart and mind just so I don't offend people. And then I thought, since when do I allow others to think for me and determine my self worth?!? How dumb. Express however you want to express, Sam. That's why I read. You're real and real friends are hard to find.

  2. Sam, I completely relate to your frustrations with coworkers knowing too much about you, and feeling like you have to censor yourself. I too am a very open person, but even this week have felt judgement from co-workers. Someone read my blog and assumed certain things about me, and became vindictive! What the heck! I hate drama. Blargh. Apparently having goals and dreams outside of Arkansas is a real turn off at my work.

  3. My son wrote a book and what you said how you edit your thoughts and expressed your heart and mind. Just to not offend people. He decided to express say all in his book. He is him and he is not pulling any strings to be who he is not he says. He has his first book on my blog.So you can go to his at the blog of his. Now he has it on website. his second book. Writing his third book. His first book. That is on my page. He says it all in his writing. The title of the book is his wife who stood by him 100%.
    People say they cannot stop turning the pages. It has its graphic words in there. So I leave the rest up you.
