Wednesday, March 31, 2010

And then it literally hit me...

Today was week seven in my couch 2 5k running plan and that meant 25 minutes/2.5 miles.

25 MINUTES?! You've got to be kidding me?! I'm the girl who had an asthma attack on lap two around the gym at basketball tryouts! Do you have any IDEA how many steps that is!? Especially when your stride length is no greater than a folded dish towel.

Sigh. But I did it. It was great. I ran the entire time, much to my surprise. I did so at sequoia park.The sun was shining, it was about 80 degrees, very pleasant.

So you can understand my continued surprise when I discovered I had locked my keys in the car. That's ok, I thought dropping to the pavement, I have a hide a key. Or at least thought I did. No bother, I'll call Ewiggen. Who was still recovering from working his awful 3am-7am phlebotomy shift and had his phone off.Um, ok... I guess I'll walk home.

So I did. Today I ran 2.5 miles then walked 45 minutes (uphill) to get back home.
It wasn't bad. I had my iphone with me and access to hours of entertainment. I chose to continue listening to Richard Dawkins' Greatest Show on Earth.
Then, when I was almost home... it hit me, literally, hit me. In the back of the head. Someone had dropped their blackberry out the car window and it hit me, then the pavement, scattering in to three distinct pieces as their expletives raced away comically following the Doppler effect.

So I kept them.

Monday, March 29, 2010

EWiggen's New Shoes!

My husband got new shoes today.

This actually is a big deal. He's been having a lot of foot pain recently. Not good for his current job (phlebotomy) nor his future career (physician) or the fact I like to run. So, the hunt began.

A doctor I work with recently got these shoes.

I thought they were kinda cool. So we began looking for them.

Well, kinda hard to find these it turns out.
While we searched online for a supplier I also did a bit of market-research to see if they were even worth the struggle of locating them.
Then I found this post from Wired.

That just about settled it. We found some at a local running retailer, tested them on the treadmill and satisfied my podicial picky husband.
Man, these shoes are awesome! I'm just too unfortunate to have very small feet, but the store said they could order some for me. No telling when I'll get some though.
There has been a lot of research recently on the benefits of running barefoot. Here's a video from Nature about it. The moment we got home we went for a brief run to test it out. He's been wearing them non-stop since. Reports they make him feel more agile and connected.

Can hardly wait till they come in my size. They're seriously geeky and cool.

Ewiggen's feet -->
(my little shoes beside him!)

And in other news

So, here I am again, about to make a mega post
Prepare thyself

I'm moving soon. Ewiggen made it into medical school and I figured, heck, we're married I should go with him.
The Pros
  • Whee! Finally! I'm so happy for him
  • I get to buy a house
The Cons
  • I have to move
  • I have to leave my amazing job
Essentially, that's it. Every thing else is negligible.

I've been running a lot and keeping a pretty good journal on that. I might think about blogging those tidbits, but that's all they are. More like tweets than blogs. I'm not that good or that fast, just starting to get the hang of things. I, like millions I'm sure, picked up on the couch to 5k at It's great. If you're thinking you need a hobby or something to do, I would strongly suggest taking a look at that. While you're at it pick up Robert Ullrey's podcast to make it easier on yourself.

My lil cat, Spock, had surgery today. He's been getting a little too Pon Farr and driving Ewiggen and myself CRAZY with all the "mao mao mao" in the middle of the night. So we cut his balls off. Well, not us. The vet. My vet's name is Kirk, so it was a little funny.

I've picked up a new hobby as well. Scientist stalking. I'll pick a Scientist and "stalk" them. Read a bunch of stuff about them, what they studied, their biographies, watch their movies etc. This time it was Carl Sagan. I've still got a couple of chapters left in this biography. I'm thinking about re-watching Contact tonight and I've been getting Cosmos through netflicks. Pretty cool guy, could be a bit of a dick sometimes though. However, the things he did to gain the populus' attention toward science and further space exploration. Thumbs up. (Not like he needs a head nod from me.)

Well, if brevity is the soul of wit then I'm no Oscar Wilde.

That's about it.