Saturday, January 21, 2017

Pediatric Dosing

I am still not a Peds' Nurse.
Thank gods for them.

It used to be the only things I knew about peds' fevers are the dosages are weird, they can get Reye's and Kawasakis. That's about it.

Now I know that they can't go to daycare, they just want to be held and its usually because of a tooth.

Hey Tylenol, how about you just label your syringes with weight as well as dosages? This way I'm not doing sleep deprived math holding a screaming baby while trying to remember what overdose in infants looks like just in case.
See, this could be so awesome.

I bet you'd even be able to sell more...

I can't tell if being a nurse and a new mom is a good or a bad thing.
On one hand when the doctor reported that my son was bleeding a lot post-circumcision, I didn't really care. On the other, when ever he coughs or sounds congested I panic that he's got epiglottitis and I start planning the fastest route to the hospital.

Good thing I don't live far.

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